Wednesday, February 23, 2011


da pkol 2 ...but still ade hati nk berblogging....dlm ati ade byk rase rse yg mne yg nk dliuahkan? 
  • he?
  • who is ? 
  •  siape dye?
suke? sayang? ape tuw? boley x someone tlg clarify kan? sesak2..hahaha....i'm just hoping dat ..him is the only one....bapak jiwang wani....siape? biarlh rahsie....

kalo nk ikotkan...rse itu mcm dah mati dlm hati...sbb dat first love yg hanye boley bwat ati ni rse sgt rapoh... my wish is dat him can make me completely forget bout FL...kalo nk suke org,,,,easy,,,very easy,,,, sayang? dats hard how? let time tell you evrythg? camne kalo mase pon x bole mmbantu.....should I or shouldn't I ? 

what is love actually? ......

mayb d best thing now waiting for the only miracle.......


  1. situasi awk mcm sy jer... ssh kan jd secret admirer... ermm awk nak mintak tolong vote sy leyh?, tue pun klu awk rasa sy layak =)

  2. huit da follow blog adeQkecik lom ?? hehehe a.k.a farooq =)


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